Cordially invites you to:

 Fashion, Fancies & Flowers

Join us for a fun afternoon in support of women and girls in our community

and throughout the world.

Fashion Show & Tea

Date:  Sunday, April 2, 2017

Place:  Westdale United Church – 1509 Sherbrooke Street W. Peterborough, Ontario

Time:  1:30 – 4:00 PM

Fashions Presented by: 

Cathy Allan Ladieswear, Lindsay, Ontario 

Charlotte’s Web, Peterborough ON


“The unique fashions at Cathy Allan Ladieswear will complement any shopper’s style from traditional to trendy, from jeans to special occasions”.

Planter Design Demonstration by:  Griffin’s Greenhouse, Peterborough, Ontario


Raffles/Door Prize

Ticket Price:  $25.00

For further information – please contact:

Marian Irwin – Cel: 705-742-8110 e-mail:

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