Our June business meeting included the presentation of service pins, the Soroptimist of the Year award and Board installation. The hostesses were Tanna Edwards and Karen Doherty and the theme was ‘gardens’. We also heard from our guest speaker, Aloha who shared her story and passion for education, family and advocacy.

Aloha with her father and President Tanya.

Our new board was installed, led Marney Horton.


  • President – Tanya Fusco
  • President- elect – Maggie Allin
  • Secretary – Linda Skilton
  • Co-Treasurers – Irene James and Julie Coleman


  • Terri Geerinck
  • Linda McElroy
  • Cec Ayotte
  • Sue Harper

new board with past President Dorothy, missing from photo Maggie and Sue

Service pins were awarded to the following members

Terri Geerinck and Carol Kralik – 5 years     Tanna Edwards – 30 years     Julie Coleman – 35 years     Jane Crane – 35 years

Carol, Terri, Tanna and Julie. Jane Crane missing from photo.

Soroptimist of the Year presentation – Linda McElroy (SOY 2023-24) presented the 2024-25 Soroptimist of the Year award to Linda Skilton

Tanya, Linda Skilton and Linda McElroy