2024 – 2025

A new session will start soon at The DOWNTOWN YOUTH SPACE at PCVS. Stay tuned for dates. For more information about DIBI, contact Terri Geerinck at the email address below.

NEW IN 2024 – Partnership with The Bridge in Peterborough and Lakefield to deliver our Dream It Be It Program. 

Taking place again in 2024! SI Peterborough has again partnered with the city of Peterborough and Canopy Support Services, to deliver our DIBI program at a summer camp on August 7th 2024. The camp is for youth who have FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder}. There will be approximately 11-13 youth at the camp. The ages range from 13-17. The focus of the experience for the participants is on gaining self-confidence and setting future goals. 

To find out more about Canopy Support, follow this link  https://www.canopysupport.ca/who-we-are

                                                                    Your organization may be interested in partnering with us. 

Do you have dreams? Have you ever wondered what steps you can take to help you realize your dreams?

Spend two hours each month dreaming with us, learning how to set goals, recognize and overcome obstacles

Meet wonderful mentors who will share their stories to inspire you.

For more information about the DIBI program please contact Terri Geerinck by email at


Parental Consent form


On November 22nd, 2019, a new partnership with the New Canadians Centre Peterborough, where we delivered a day long mother & daughter DIBI workshop. Stay tuned for updates following the cancellation during the pandemic.

If you are a teacher or work at a local school or youth organization and would like more information about our DIBI program, please email Terri.